Trends Of SEO / SEA

7 steps to create a professionel website

website creation tunisia

High-performance website design

Today, every company needs a high-performance website. It's impossible not to be visible on the Internet and risk not being seen.

If you're technically proficient, creating a professional website is a simple project. It's the essential tool for any company to develop its Internet presence, be visible on Google, attract visitors and increase sales.
Creating a professional website is as simple as 7 functional steps. If your project is more technical, you can use the tools of a platform that simplifies the work for you, or call in an agency, but respect this methodology to complete your project.

How do you create a quality website? What steps do you need to take to create a website that's right for your business?

1. Analysis of competitor sites

The aim of competitive analysis is to enable you to do business differently from your competitors. You need to be aware of what your competitors are doing, and offer a better option.

What's more, this study of your competitors' websites will give you an idea of the websites related to your field of activity, and help you to draw inspiration from best practices to differentiate yourself from the competition.

You need to stand out from your competitors, whatever your plan (promotional campaigns, specific product choices, unique design, etc.)!

2. Determine your goals and needs.

You need to determine what you want, and what you want it to be, before you start building your website. To do this, you'll need to draw up a roadmap that includes:

The purpose of your website
Is it an e-commerce website designed to sell products online? A professional blog to be published in regular magazines? Or to hire employees, share different types of multimedia content, etc.?

Your customers' profile
Are your customers individuals, professionals, suppliers, etc.? This step will guide the editorial and graphic content of your website. Defining your customer profile is crucial.

Introducing your company
The aim is to better understand the world in which your company operates and to define its profile. Once defined, it will help you create a website that best reflects your company's identity and values.

Market analysis
Market research will help you define your goals and objectives more precisely, and understand the competitive environment your company faces.

Your IT skills
It's possible to choose this point, but it would allow your web service provider Elly agency to give you a great deal of autonomy in content management and website design.

3.Domain name & hosting

Choose your domain name:

Choose a domain name that's easy to remember and write. It's important to keep in mind that your visitors should be able to recognize your domain name easily. To best respond to search engine queries, link your selected keywords to strategic extensions for your business.
Our Elly communications agency can help you choose a domain name.

Choose your hosting :

The type of website will determine the type of hosting you choose: e-commerce sites need a powerful SQL server and enough storage space to support the large number of products and images on your online store's product pages. Showcase sites, on the other hand, require less storage and fewer databases. Elly Agency will help you choose a web hosting solution.

4. Creation of the graphic charter

Do you already have an idea of how your site will be organized? Do you already have a logo, or do you need to create one? The question of website ergonomics is also crucial.

Remember not to overload your website with heavy colors and visual elements. Don't put too many pop-ups and dynamic modules on the website. Of course, all these elements will affect page loading speed. Keep in mind that visitors expect an easy-to-use, efficient platform.

If you work with a freelance web designer or an agency, they'll give you all their expertise to complete your project.

5. Evaluate your budget

It's up to you to decide how much you want to spend on this project, as it's a major investment. Some costs are fixed when creating a website, such as website development and design, while others are monthly or annual, such as web hosting, maintenance, search engine optimization, and so on.

6. Invest in search engine optimization

Once you've taken these first steps, you'll need to think about an SEO strategy, the aim of which is to increase traffic to your site and appear in the top results of search engines.

This involves adding SEO-optimized text containing keywords relevant to your field of activity. It's not always exciting, but it's crucial. Your visibility on the Web will increase considerably with good SEO.

At the same time, you can create paid campaigns (Google Ads, Facebook Ads, etc.) that will quickly help you increase your brand awareness.

Create a Google My Business account too. This free tool will improve your local SEO.

7. Maintenance

Congratulations, your site is online and well referenced! You need to maintain and feed your website once it's online. Interaction on a site is crucial. To maintain visitor interest, it will be essential to regularly add new articles on a blog or new products for an online store.

I'm not going to discuss the importance of keeping your site up to date, but I suggest you let us take care of it. We'll make sure your site is working properly and solve any hosting-related problems.


Your new website is now available. Congratulations!

Creating a high-quality website requires a great deal of time and skill. You can avoid many problems and save a lot of time by calling on our experts in the field.

Now you need to inform your target audience. Web marketing then begins, and depending on your marketing strategy, you can communicate about the event and initiate actions that will return qualified traffic to your website. Following these marketing actions, and to determine whether your site is effective, don't forget to regularly monitor and analyze your website's results.

Got a task for your website? Check out our services and contact the Elly team! We'd be delighted to discuss your project.