Trends Of SEO / SEA

Why is SEO so important for my site?

Why is SEO so important for my site

Why SEO is necessary?

Getting quality traffic for your business is one of the most important benefits of SEO.

Good SEO is the key to attracting more qualified users. It aims to make it easier for your target audience to find you when they want specific information/details.

Google is the world's most widely used search engine. Depending on the country, its market share varies from 75% to 95%, with an average of 91.8%. Over 91% of Internet users in France use this search engine first. By working on your search engine optimization (SEO), you give yourself every chance of making your web pages visible to Internet users, and generating a greater volume of traffic to your website.

Your credibility is enhanced by natural referencing

Although SEA and SEO are complementary, search engine optimization (SEO) enables your company to gradually increase its credibility with search engines like Google. In other words, the more Google trusts your website, the more likely it is to rank well in search results.

The quality of the content published on the site, the quantity and quality of external links and the behavior of visitors to the site (conversion rate, bounce rate, etc.) are among the factors taken into account. So, to improve your SEO over the long term, it's crucial to work on these different levers.

However, good search engine optimization also increases your credibility with your customers, as a site that appears in the top results of search engines is more likely to be considered trustworthy by Internet users.

SEO helps to attract qualified traffic to your web pages, which is likely to turn into leads and then into customers. As a result, optimizing your SEO enables you to capture the attention of those who are genuinely interested in the type of products or services you offer.

Google search engine optimization has the advantage of being sustainable: it works over the long term. Unlike a traditional advertising campaign, whose effects stop as soon as you stop investing money, search engine optimization continues to attract traffic and generate profits.

The user experience enhanced by SEO and The importance of its audience

No fewer than 6.9 billion searches are carried out on Google every day. This is a remarkable number, and demonstrates the importance of search engine optimization, as there are many opportunities to drive traffic to your website.

It's crucial to use Google, Bing, Yahoo and even other engines like Baidu or Yandex to promote your business, attract visitors to your site and convert them into customers.
The main aim of search engines is to provide users with the most relevant results for their queries. Therefore, optimizing a page shouldn't be limited to a particular keyword: the content must be relevant to the visitor and enable them to quickly find what they're looking for.

As a result, a better user experience is the logical outcome of good SEO. Upon arriving on your website, the user will be satisfied to find the answer to his question easily, and will be more inclined to consult other pages and perform actions such as downloading content, filling in a contact form, making a purchase, etc.

It's essential to be able to measure a website's traffic volume, because the aim of SEO is to improve a website's visibility in order to increase its traffic. This is the sine qua non for evaluating the effectiveness of your SEO campaigns and correcting any blocking points if necessary.

The most important tracking indicators include overall website traffic, the most visited pages, the pages that convert the most visitors into leads, and the referring domains from which traffic originates. Many tools, including Google Analytics, can be used to track your website traffic.

The best SEO strategy? And how do you carry out an SEO audit?

Every Google search engine optimization strategy requires an SEO audit. Depending on many factors specific to your business and your website, this preliminary operation helps determine the best possible course of action.

An SEO audit examines keywords, competitive strategies, site SEO performance, site structure and content, technical performance, and the quality and extent of internal links.

Choosing the right keywords is one of the most important levers of optimization. It depends on your sector and your needs. In addition, keywords are chosen according to their popularity (the frequency with which they are searched for by Internet users) and their competition. Keep in mind, however, that you shouldn't focus solely on requests that are too common!

Positioning on generic keywords is difficult, but SEO on keywords is generally simpler and generates more qualified traffic likely to convert.

Our Elly Agency can help you with many tools are available to select keywords, including the Google keyword planning tool.

Nowadays, most online searches are carried out using a smartphone. Geolocation is a tool that has changed SEO, as search results are adjusted according to the surfer's geographical position. This means they can find companies that are close by and can meet their requirements.

Consequently, local search engine optimization is a powerful way of generating engagement by encouraging potential customers to visit your premises or contact you. If you'd like to develop your regional brand awareness, our Elly agency in Tunis is at your disposal.